There are a few different ways to remove the background from a picture on your iPhone. One is to use the camera app. Another is to use an app like Enlight Photofox. Using the latter, you can remove the background and make it look like you took the photo yourself. You can also remove people from a picture by using the Lift subject feature.
Enlight Photofox Photo Editor
It’s no secret that Enlight Photofox is one of the best photo editing apps out there. This popular app offers several features that other apps don’t have. These include special effects, layers, and more.
Using these tools, you can retouch photos and get creative. You can also remove objects from pictures.
The Enlight app is available for iPhone and iPad. Its interface is simpler and less complicated than other photo editors. However, it still takes some time to learn how to use it.
To edit your picture, you’ll need to select the tools you want. There are several, including the patch tool, healing brush, and clone stamp. When you’re finished, you can save your edit. Alternatively, you can save your image to your camera roll.
Another feature is a Darkroom, which allows you to adjust the details of your photo. This includes the ability to blend two images together and apply physical film effects.

Lift subject from background feature
Lift subject from background is a new feature that comes with iOS 16. This feature will help you remove the background from your photos. It will also make it easy for you to identify and isolate the subject of an image. There are two ways to do it.
The first way is to tap on the subject of the picture. This will display a popup with a copy option. Alternatively, you can just drag the subject to another app. You can then paste the cutout anywhere you like.
Another way to remove the background from a photo is to save the image to the Photos library. This is a simpler method. However, there is no official way to save the lifted subject as its own file.
In addition, there is a visual look up tool that allows you to get more information about the subject of an image. If you have an iOS device, you should definitely check it out.
iOS 16 vs YouCam Perfect: Which is better?
One of the best camera apps on iOS is YouCam Perfect. It boasts a slew of features including a fancy schmancy UI and a whopping two photos per day. While the app might be small on the screen, it’s big on features and big on quality. For a budget of under a hundred dollars, you can’t go wrong. The best part is you won’t have to pay for anything you don’t want. Aside from a free photo tagging service, you’ll be able to save your photos to the cloud, send them to friends, and post them on Facebook and Instagram. With a premium account, you can also access premium features like stickers and lenses. Whether you’re an amateur photographer or a pro, you’ll be spoiled for choice.
Having said that, I’m not going to spend hours comparing the pros and cons of this particular app. I’ll focus instead on what’s on offer, and the best way to do it.

Removing people from photos
If you’re planning to take a picture on a trip, it’s likely that you’ll be unable to get a clear shot of the landscape without a few people in the background. This can be annoying. However, with the help of the best photo retouching apps, you can easily remove people from your photos.
There are a number of tools available in the App Store and Play Store that can make the process of removing people from your pictures a breeze. Some are specialized while others are simple, one-click solutions. You can choose the right app for your specific needs.
For example, PhotoDirector is a free photo editor that combines a variety of editing features. It offers a “photoshop” effect for removing people from your photos, and can replace a selected area with another. Users can also zoom in to check complicated details.
Another option is Snapseed, a Google-made photo editing tool. This application lets you remove unwanted objects from your photos, with the aid of a professional algorithm. Moreover, it offers a range of filters and other editing tools.
Photo by Le Buzz Studio on Unsplash